I'm home alone! my kids and husband have gone to visit my outlaws in Cary,North Carolina. Paul was grumpy this morning and the kids didn't even pause to say goodbye:( Zoo ran down and was buckled up, waiting-like as soon as he tinkled and put his clothes on. I didn't even know where he was until I looked for him so I could gather whatever toys he wanted to bring. Oh well, I just want them to GET THERE SAFELY and have a ton of fun. The boys are only going for a few days. Alex is going to be there all week. Of course I want her to have fun, but I don't like the fact she will be gone so long. This is a first. Plus, and no disrespect to my mom outlaw, all I am going to say is it has been quite awhile since she has had a cute, awesome, beautiful, sweet, creative, very intelligent... young lady around. When you get down to it she never has since my husband is an only child. My mom outlaw and I don't talk. More just because neither one of us makes an effort. That is really sad when you get down to it. There isn't any problem between us. I can only do small dose when I go to visit her, but I don't go off very often. I guess there are some things/comments that irritate me when I am with her for a period of time. I am just as sure I do the same to her. I would dare to say we are both strong women and there are certain things we do or say that irritate each other.
Okay, so I just called my mom outlaw so I made the first move and now I need to continue with what I have started. My family is just about to the outlaws house. They are going to grill out and what not this afternoon. Mom-law has a ton of food ready and bought. I food is very important to me and my belly just rumbles listening to her tell me the menu line-up and what not. I have been doing chores. I have the laundry done and need to put it away. The dishwasher is ready for unloading. I need to walk. Then I will probably go make some cards. First, though, I believe a lazy nap/watch some trash tv might be in order first.